How to open a courier company. How to open a courier delivery service in Russia from scratch

Courier delivery is a service that is very popular among the population. Many companies and institutions need it. This business is perfect for budding entrepreneurs. We will talk about how to open a courier delivery service in this article.

Types of services

Before drawing up a business plan for a courier delivery service, you need to decide on the format of the services it will provide to customers:

  • Business letters and documents. Despite the fact that in our time Internet technologies are rapidly developing, the need for the transfer of paper media still remains relevant. Therefore, this service is very popular;
  • Parcels and parcels. Of course, such cargo can be sent by mail, but in this case your parcel will take too long to arrive. Therefore, it is much more convenient to use the services of a courier service, which guarantees timely delivery of the parcel to the specified address;
  • Flowers. To provide such a service, it is necessary to enter into agreements with flower shops. In addition, you can cooperate with cafes or fast food establishments;
  • Goods. It is much more convenient for online stores to work with a courier service than to employ their own couriers.

Where to begin?

If you decide to open a courier delivery service, the step-by-step instructions consist of the following points:
  1. Market research. Such a project is more suitable for large settlements, but if you approach the matter responsibly, it will bring good profits in a small city;
  2. We determine the specifics of the cargo;
  3. Transport. If you plan to deliver documents within the city, then you can do without a car. But to transport parcels you will need a vehicle;
  4. To work with clients and receive applications, you need to hire a dispatcher. To save money at first, you can do this work yourself. The dispatch service must operate around the clock. Thanks to this, you will be able to attract more clients.


To officially register a courier business, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. If you work with individuals and take cash payments from them, you can register an individual entrepreneur. To work on non-cash payments with legal entities, you should open an LLC.

We select the OKVED code for the courier service under the number 64.12. It includes the transportation of parcels, packages, containers and more.


Courier services often have problems with personnel. The reason for this is the limited number of orders. If there are few of them, this has a negative impact on wages. People usually do not stay in low-paid jobs, so there is a high turnover of staff in such organizations.

Sometimes employees even disappear with the money they received for the delivered order. Students who want to earn extra money often ask how to become a courier? But they, as a rule, are irresponsible about their work, and are also limited in time. Therefore, many companies give preference to older people when choosing employees. Unfortunately, they are not as agile as young people and cannot deliver heavy loads.

The vehicle fleet also creates additional problems. If your company has its own cars, you will have to spend money on maintenance and fuel. In this regard, the cost of services increases.

As for the official registration of couriers, as a rule, they work under a contract. People usually come to such companies looking for temporary work and an opportunity to earn extra money.

Scheme of work

Let's look at the operating principle of a courier service using the example of food delivery. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering if they don’t have their own cafe? Everything is very simple. Many catering establishments have their own websites, which contain photographs of various dishes with descriptions. The client can choose the option that suits him and place an order, which will be delivered to him at the specified address.

You can create such a website and post on it dishes from different cafes or restaurants. When an order is received, the courier goes to the establishment, buys the ordered dishes packaged for takeaway, and delivers them to the client’s address. Most courier services that deliver food operate according to this scheme.


Advertising plays an important role in the development of any business. Therefore, before opening a courier delivery service from scratch, you need to carefully consider your marketing strategy. The most effective option is to distribute leaflets in crowded places, as well as near public institutions and business centers. In addition, you should visit pizzerias, cafes and supermarkets to discuss cooperation opportunities.

Another powerful tool that can be used to develop a courier business is your own website. Advertisements in the media can give good results. They can also be posted at public transport stops.

Costs and profitability

The courier delivery business is highly profitable. It does not require large financial investments, but the cost of services is quite high. If you work in a small area, you can significantly save on personnel and, accordingly, thereby increase the profitability of your enterprise.

Shipping costs range from $5-$15. It includes expenses for employee salaries, gasoline, etc. On average, one company fulfills 40–50 orders per day. The profit received fully covers all expenses for staff, advertising and transport. The profitability of this business reaches 90%.

If you have your own transport, in order to open your own courier delivery service you will only need 3-5 thousand dollars for office rent, employee salaries and advertising. To avoid renting office space, you can learn how to start food delivery in the city and work directly with catering companies, fulfilling only their orders.

Courier service is a highly profitable enterprise. The most important thing is to set your priorities correctly. If you manage to organize your business correctly, it will bring you your first profit literally after a month of work.

Before opening a delivery service, it is advisable to work as a courier for some time to understand all the intricacies of this business.

The profitability of such an enterprise directly depends on the customer base. The main clients of courier services are online stores, cafes and other organizations for which it is not profitable to have their own couriers on staff. You can open such a business practically from scratch. Find a few like-minded people and organize a small courier delivery service with them. At first, you can do all the work yourself. When the business begins to develop, you can hire people and purchase transport to reach a new level.

If you do not have any special knowledge in a particular area of ​​entrepreneurship, this does not mean that you have no chance of opening your own business. If you have a certain (not necessarily impressive) amount of money that you are willing to give in favor of the development of your business, and an obsessive desire to work, as they say, for yourself, then you should think about how to create a courier delivery service.

This type of activity does not require special skills or knowledge, the purchase of expensive equipment or the investment of exorbitant funds, so this business idea is an excellent solution for a novice entrepreneur with a limited budget.

Of course, it is better to open such a business in a large populated area, where home delivery services are more in demand, but with perseverance and desire, you can succeed in any city. Where to start? Of course, the first thing you need to do is draw up a business plan to take into account all the expenses and calculate the possibility of making a profit.

Organizing a courier service: where to start?

So, if the desire to earn income from your personal business is firmly stuck in your head, and you don’t know what to do, then this article is just for you.

A legal business requires state registration, so first of all, go to the tax office and register your type of activity. Then you need to open a current account in the name of the organization in any bank that is profitable for you (here you will be asked for documents from the tax service about the registration of your enterprise and a certificate from the State Statistics Committee). In principle, from the formal side of the issue, that’s all.

In parallel with the preparation of all documents, begin searching for office space. If your budget is very tight, then rent it. If you succeed and prosper in this matter, in the future you will be able to purchase your own corner.

Then, when drawing up a business plan for a courier service, take care of the technical side of the issue. Today you can’t get anywhere without modern equipment. We need telephone and computer networks, as well as transport. It is advisable that you have your own, although at first you can rent it. If your budget allows, you can create a fleet of several cars, and also acquire bicycles for mail delivery. It’s even better to hire couriers with personal cars.

The scope of your activity will most likely be limited to one city at first. After all, at this stage of development it is important to get a good reputation, and if you deliver orders late, then no one will want to work with you. In order for the business to have a good start, it is recommended to find a couple of large clients who would place regular orders. By fulfilling the orders of such customers in a quality manner, you can count on receiving a stable profit, which can be immediately used for advertising.

How to promote your business?

A courier service, like any other type of business, requires investment in advertising. Start by creating a website. This marketing tool is considered the most effective today. Don’t skimp on creating your own website on the Internet, because it will later become the face of your organization. Order a website promotion service for a web company. Its specialists will analyze the market in which you operate and will be able to create a truly competitive resource.

Don't forget to include the cost of business cards in your courier service business plan. They should also characterize you from the best side.

A high-quality, tactile and eye-catching business card with full information (your company name clearly visible, all necessary contacts, opening hours, any special conditions or discounts, etc.) will encourage its owner to use your courier service again.

Place advertisements in the most popular newspapers in your city, and don’t forget about radio and television. And just share the information with your friends and acquaintances. This simple method of advertising is often most effective.

You can also distribute flyers, the presentation of which guarantees the client a discount. It may be very small, but the opportunity to save at least a little always encourages clients to further cooperate.

Use your imagination!

Promotions and discounts are, of course, good, but it’s even better to come up with your own “trick”, which can be a decisive factor when a customer chooses a courier organization. After all, there are many similar services today, they compete with each other in the quality and speed of delivery, the cost of their services, etc. But modern people want variety, and this can play into the hands of a newly created courier company.

Anything can be your “trick”. For example, let female models deliver the goods, then the circle of your customers (especially males) will definitely increase.

You can also hire several guys of model appearance. Then women will turn to you for services much more often.

To make the ordering process more interesting, create an online catalog on your organization’s website in which you post photos of your charming employees.

Thus, by leaving a request, the client has the opportunity to choose what he wants from the couriers provided to him. In general, use your imagination, creativity is always welcome!

This “zest” of your business will allow you to slightly increase the cost of your services, but in most cases this will not affect the client’s choice.

Recruitment is an important matter

It is impossible not to include labor costs in your courier service business plan. The issue of recruitment must be approached with all responsibility, because only serious and diligent employees will help to get good reviews about the company as a whole. If you do not have experience in providing courier services, then it is all the more advisable to hire professionals in this field who will help you organize the entire process and organize proper work with clients.

Don't hire people who want to make good money and still work a 9 to 6 job. These types of employees usually won't give their all to help grow the business. Before official employment, arrange a trial period for at least a week. This will help you understand how the future employee relates to the client, whether he is capable of providing the level of service you have specified.

Price policy

When it comes to setting prices for delivery, you cannot act “at random”; it is important to analyze the cost of such services in your city. You can qualitatively “monitor” information by using the Internet, because today every serious company has its own website. But don't rely solely on information you get online. It is better to call the courier service you are interested in.

Typically, telephone consultants are very talkative and will tell you about some conditions, promotions or other points that you can use in your activities. And in general, such calls are the best way to find out how the courier service works.

Providing services for the delivery of documents and goods within one city usually requires minor expenses, therefore the cost of such delivery should be small. But don’t lower your prices too much to fully recoup your expenses. To do this, carefully calculate all possible exit options and the distances that will need to be covered. A well-structured pricing policy can recoup all costs in almost three to four months.

Your business abroad?

The homeland of the business we are considering is France, so let’s see from its example how to open a courier delivery service and make good money abroad while in Russia.

If you follow French law, the delivery service personnel must consist exclusively of French citizens. Therefore, first, find a native Frenchman for the position of director, preferably an acquaintance. Accordingly, you, as the founder of this organization, will need to obtain a visa.

The so-called “merchant card” is long-term and is issued to the founders of legal entities with French registration for a period of 1 to 5 years. Obtaining such a visa gives its owner many rights, which will be more than enough to bring your business idea to life. The courier service can now be headed by you personally.

What other formalities must be observed in France?

French legislators have clearly defined the entire procedure for the establishment and operation of enterprises with foreign capital.
Therefore, in order to find out how to open a courier delivery service for a citizen of the Russian Federation in this country, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the norms of local legislation. Overall, it all comes down to a few basic questions:

  • To begin, you must submit all registration documents of the founder to the commercial court of the city you have chosen to conduct your activities;
  • after considering the above papers, the commercial court decides to register the enterprise in the unified trade register;
  • after this, you can apply for a “merchant card”;
  • obtaining a residence permit for a period of 1 year; If you become the head of your courier service, it is automatically extended for the duration of your leadership.

Let's sum it up

After reading this article, you have a general knowledge of how to open a courier delivery service and where to start working on the domestic or foreign market for these services. In general, the most painstaking activities require activities related to personnel selection, organization of work processes and their improvement, as well as policies for attracting clients.

Your individuality and creative approach to work are also important - only interesting and exclusive projects reach the desired heights.

Don't forget to take all these points into account when you create your courier service business plan.


Organizations daily need to send correspondence, goods and cargo using couriers. Therefore, debutant entrepreneurs are thinking about opening a courier delivery service, bypassing the existing pitfalls. In addition, to open and develop such a company you do not need huge financial investments.

Existing services do not fully satisfy the demand for goods delivery services, so this business is a popular area among novice businessmen.

There are often long delays in delivery of goods by mail. Good money is charged for urgency. Many people are starting to look for such a service, and some are thinking about how to open such a business.

Creating a goods delivery company: first steps

If you are a law-abiding entrepreneur, then you must follow the sequence when starting a business:

  • Initially, you need to open and visit the tax office to officially register the delivery company;
  • then - a bank in order to open a current account for its own service.

This is where the basic legal formalities for business end. The next stage is solving material issues, without which it is impossible to open a delivery company:

  • office;
  • equipment: computer, telephone, car;
  • advertising.

The ideal office is your own space. If you don’t have enough money to buy, then use rent. To open a delivery establishment, you don’t have to look for an office in the city center.

Without technical support, a courier company will not be able to operate. Computers, telephone and Internet connections, and vehicles are required. You can use your own car or rent it.

But it is impossible to open or organize a profitable delivery service business with one car. You need several cars, mopeds, scooters or bicycles. The latter will be useful during daytime traffic jams. An excellent solution is to hire couriers who have their own vehicles.

The territory served by couriers at first will be small. But if orders are delivered without the slightest delay, they will quickly find out about the open courier organization. Carefully fulfilling the requirements of your first customers will turn them into permanent ones for your business. This will help generate profits and serve as good advertising for the delivery establishment.

If you want to open an international express delivery service, it is better to buy a franchise. They will help you write a plan for the development of your business, register your business and make it profitable.


Any new company you decide to open needs advertising. To do this, create a step-by-step plan for an advertising campaign for your business. Don’t skimp on a colorfully designed website with detailed information about the activities of the delivery establishment. Contact professionals who will create an Internet page that represents the company you have opened in a favorable light.

Customers may be attracted to a business card if it is made of high-quality paper, is pleasant to look at, and contains comprehensive information about the activities of this service. Having seen the meticulousness with which business cards are made, a person will become confident that his order is guaranteed increased attention. This will encourage customers to seek the services of such a service.

It is necessary to organize the dissemination of information about the courier company in accessible media. Discuss your business or the fact that you are thinking of opening one with relatives, friends, and classmates. Often such conversations bring more popularity to the company than expensive advertising.

Courier service personnel

When thinking about setting up a courier service, be sure to consider the topic of hiring employees. To open and properly organize a successful business for the delivery of drinking bottled water, sushi, alcohol, barbecue, set meals and other food products, you should hire a director, couriers, a dispatcher, an accountant, and technical staff.

Be especially careful when hiring employees. The company’s reputation and income depend on their interaction with customers. You need to develop instructions for customers and create a book of complaints on your website.

Couriers must have such qualities as punctuality, communication skills, tact, and diligence. Their responsibility is to deliver the goods safely and within the time period specified by the customer.

Many people believe that being a courier is not prestigious - and this is a big disadvantage for your business. Therefore, the company needs to ensure that employees understand the value of their work. To prevent cases of missing money, it is best to enter into formal employment contracts with the courier.

It is necessary to establish clear interaction between employees of the organization, especially between the dispatcher and the courier. The dispatcher receives and registers orders, informs the delivery people about them, and is in touch with both parties simultaneously.

There will always be a need for a messenger

Despite the widespread use of electronic document management, no organization can do without paper copies. Financial, legal and other firms need to constantly send correspondence to their partners. Industrial enterprises may also require urgent delivery of any goods. This is a huge plus for your courier delivery business from scratch.

They may contact you if you have a well-organized delivery service.

There are delivery companies that only serve online stores. If you open a delivery business, it can bring good profits. In any city there are companies engaged in trading through online stores. Small firms do not have the ability to independently deliver their goods to customers. It is more profitable for them to contact a courier organization.

An interesting direction is servicing restaurants, pizzerias, and shops that do not have the conditions to organize their own network of delivering goods to customers at home. Such a business is very profitable, since the demand for these services does not weaken. If the business is related to the transportation of products, couriers must obtain health certificates.

Separately, it is worth highlighting the delivery of flowers and gifts. The development of your courier business depends on you.

Use your imagination!

If you decide to open a business, then you should remember that pleasant bonuses and discounts play a big role. Your company must be different from those of your competitors. It is necessary to come up with a “zest” for the service that will attract customers. Today, the business of delivering food and other goods includes a large number of different companies advertising the speed of cargo transportation, low prices, and high-quality service. But this has long become boring. Customers want novelty.

The “trick” can be absolutely anything. Business can be influenced by female couriers with model appearance. With such a “twist” the number of male clients will greatly increase. If athletic, attractive young men appear among the messengers, it will become clear why the female contingent will choose your business.

A business idea for delivering small and large goods in a box is a great idea for attracting customers.

Create a catalog on the service’s website that will feature photographs of your charming workers and lovely female employees. In this case, when applying, the client can indicate a specific courier who will fulfill his order.

A non-standard offer for your business will be the ability to use a courier during a set period of time. This “rental” is beneficial to large clients who need constant delivery of various goods. In this case, only the amount of time required to transport orders is paid, and the courier is always nearby.

Introducing a night shift is a great idea. Such services operating around the clock are rare. Therefore, the ability to deliver at night will attract more customers.

Try to open a delivery service with a variety of “features”, thanks to which any customer will always want to contact you.

Starting any business is impossible without detailed analysis, market research and drawing up an indicative development plan, the so-called business plan.

One of the most rapidly growing areas is the courier delivery service, the services of which consist in the fast and high-quality movement of goods or customer documents from one point to another destination.

Main advantages and disadvantages of business

Of course, like any other type of business activity that is quite developed, popular and, accordingly, profitable, organizing courier delivery has many more advantages than disadvantages.

The main beneficial and advantageous indicators in relation to the owner and organizer of this type of activity include:

  • Quite a high level of profitability and profitability. In this case, it should be noted that concentration and universalization in the person of one delivery operator allows significant savings on costs that are aimed at moving cargo. For both individuals and legal entities, it is much more profitable to contact a specialized company in order to obtain cargo transportation services than to do it yourself, especially when it comes to small volumes. This is why various similar ones have been so popular lately, which, in turn, has caused a surge in the growth of the number of operators.
  • To organize a small-scale service provision Relatively small capital investment required. At the first stages of its development, an enterprise can use rented warehouse space, as well as cars or other vehicles necessary for carrying out business activities.
  • No special requirements for ordinary personnel(this thesis does not apply to the administrative group of employees and specialists). When recruiting personnel, it is enough to conduct a short introductory briefing or internal training in the basics of logistics, internal procedures and methods. In this connection, one should make a simple conclusion that the cost part related to the wages of ordinary employees will be at an acceptable level for the business owner, if we talk about the average statistical indicators of this cost item among similar enterprises and institutions.

The disadvantages include the following facts from the experience of developing and already established companies:

  • If you have your own vehicle fleet, there are large costs for its maintenance, such as current and major repairs, licensing, insurance, mandatory government payments and fees, etc.
  • Quite a large number of small operations that require perseverance from staff and a large share of responsibility, since we are talking about handling someone else’s property, often very expensive.

In order to determine all the advantages and disadvantages of this type of business, you should clearly understand the level of investment in its development, the territorial level of coverage of the service area and other important factors.

You can watch the conference on the topic of opening such an enterprise in the video:

Required permits

In accordance with current legislation, business entities who want to provide services related to the delivery of goods, are required to obtain a license for freight forwarding and transportation activities. This permit is issued in case of mandatory compliance with technical and environmental standards and requirements.

If the requirements are met, the license is issued for a period of 5 years. Particular attention should be paid to the possible transportation of dangerous goods, which is regulated on the basis of separate rules and regulations.

It is worth noting that activities related to the transportation of goods across the territory of one city or region are not subject to licensing if third-party or even public transport is used.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

First steps to get started

Any activity that is aimed at making a profit is recognized as entrepreneurial; accordingly, it must go through all the stages and stages of state registration provided for by the norms of the current legislation:

  1. After you have been or whose main activity is the delivery of goods and other material assets, you should take care of branding your business, the so-called bringing it to the masses. Even if at this stage the founder does not have the necessary assets (real estate, transport, personnel, automated accounting and control systems have not been established), it is necessary to start with advertising, albeit with suspensive conditions, for example: “SOON! Opening of a new courier delivery service.” It should be taken into account that a bright and resounding name will immediately be imprinted in the minds of potential consumers of these services, and the time during which the owner will be engaged in processing transactions for the purchase and sale or rental of real estate and vehicles will only play into his hands.
  2. At the next stage, of course, you should decide on the location of the warehouse where loading and unloading operations will be carried out. This premises should have the most favorable geographical location within the city, be close to the main transport interchanges and hubs, with public transport stops located nearby. As such, there are no special requirements for the room, but it should be noted that it must be heated, dry, and electrified. Deratization work must be carried out, since the presence of rodents in a warehouse is not the best bonus for a new entrepreneur in disputes with injured clients. It is advisable to locate office premises for administrative personnel in close proximity to the place where the main activity is carried out.
  3. Renting or purchasing vehicles. Particular attention should be paid to this stage, since the high-quality and timely provision of services to consumers depends on it. In many ways, the selection of transport also depends on the owner’s plans for developing his business. If the delivery service only provides for movement within city limits, then having huge trucks in the fleet is not at all advisable, and delivery of large cargo on scooters to cities in the neighboring region is unrealistic.

Required Personnel

Personnel selection is the most critical stage in the development of a high-quality, reliable and popular delivery service. The administrative personnel who act as support or serve the main administrative processes must include:

  • Director or directorate.
  • Chief accountant or accounting department, cashier.
  • Responsible for the condition of the vehicle fleet (for example, chief mechanic).
  • Safety engineer, since the work is related to equipment and fixed or working capital (cars, racks and loads on them, etc.) that are dangerous to the life and health of personnel.
  • Head of warehouse.

The main working personnel must have knowledge in the field of logistics. To do this, you should either select employees with relevant work experience, which in itself is optimal, or organize small courses for them to obtain the appropriate qualifications.

Customer acquisition and marketing campaigns

None of the modern enterprises or organizations will fully and quickly develop without a proper advertising campaign and high-quality positioning of themselves in the market of services of a certain segment.

In addition to visual advertising of the opening of a new service also various marketing “traps” should be used. These include bonuses and privileges for the first certain number of clients and consumers, the introduction of a discount card system or the organization of a so-called client club.

It is important to remember that the majority of both potential and existing customers will be attracted by financial benefits - discounts or gifts.

A plastic discount card with the logo and slogan of the courier company will always be in front of consumers, and the system of discounts and accumulative terms of the affiliate program can significantly increase the number of customers.

Business development options. Summary of Costs and Profitability

Of course, the development and direction of the functioning of a business, its volume and sphere of influence largely depend on the initial capital allocated by the owner at the formation stage. In the case of a courier service, several types of organization of its activities are possible, depending on the territorial coverage, these are:

  • City service, which operates within one city and is the most economical in terms of cost.
  • Service carrying out its activities throughout the state. In this case, the initial costs of organizing it are several times different from its urban counterpart.
  • International format. Here the enterprise covers not only individual countries, but also continents. It is not difficult to conclude that the costs of the organization are incommensurable with previous analogues, and the development of any service to the international level indicates the colossal work of top management and financial investments.

Of course, in history there are many examples of the development of enterprises from small unitary to international and transcontinental concerns; all this depends on the approach to doing business, compliance with international schemes and development standards, and, importantly, the desires of the owner.

The issue of costs when establishing a delivery service is also very relative and largely depends on the capabilities of the owner, the level of expected compliance with world leaders and many other factors.

Based on the existing experience of registering and founding such startups, we can conclude that the minimum amount, which includes only the costs of purchasing the necessary fixed assets, office equipment, furniture, equipment, can begin from 100,000-150,000 rubles. Payback on average can take up to several months, which depends on the right advertising campaign, geographic location, loyalty to the first customers and the quality of services provided to them.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that due to the expansion of business and an increase in the total volume of services provided, the expenditure part also increases, and it is in this case that it is very important not to lose the balance and ratio of expenditure and income, skillfully using the potential of professional administrative personnel.

Courier delivery service is a developing line of business. As part of this business, correspondence, various cargo or gifts are transported. Moreover, this happens in a fairly short time.

The organization of a courier business is interesting because to provide such services you can attract people with low qualifications or no qualifications at all. There are not so many companies of this kind at present. Due to this, delivery costs are high. How to organize a courier service? The nuances of the development of this business should be reflected in a previously drawn up business plan.

Services market

The most powerful structure that delivers correspondence and cargo in our country is the Russian Post. However, it is slow and unreliable. In this regard, most firms and companies try not to resort to its services.

A business plan that addresses how to organize a courier service should contain information about the work of competitors. Existing postal services adhere to the rules approved by the International Postal Convention. They provide the weight of the shipment. It should not exceed thirty-two kilograms. If the order value does not exceed one hundred dollars, no duty is charged.

When organizing a courier service, express delivery can be carried out with cargo weighing up to several tons. In this case, duty is imposed on all shipments. The majority of courier services would like to have a license for postal transportation.

However, the Convention clearly defines the national operator. In Russia, this is the Grandpost service, operating in all towns and cities. This company is beyond any competition. In this regard, for the stable development of your own business, you can master the courier market within just one city.

Prospects for starting a business

If you are thinking about how to organize a courier service, then keep in mind that the business you are opening will compete only with small similar companies within the region or city.

If the goods delivered by your service are larger in weight than CDs or books, to open your own business you will need from ten to forty cars, a garage, an office and a warehouse. Some courier companies only deliver magazines and correspondence. In this case, it is enough to purchase one car and rent an office of two premises.

It should be remembered that this business can bring its owner a stable profit. That's why a novice entrepreneur should pay special attention to this business. In addition, organizing a courier delivery service is not a very complicated process. This is due to the fact that this business does not require special education or professional skills. Significant start-up capital will not be needed here either.

First steps

Where to start a courier business? First of all, you will need to decide on the place of activity. It is worth keeping in mind that it is most profitable to deliver in large cities. Small settlements do not need large volumes of services, which will negatively affect the amount of income.

After this, it is important to decide what weight and dimensions of cargo your courier service will take for transportation. This is due to different delivery conditions. If the goods are classified as dangerous, a special certificate is required. Only in this case will the transportation process be possible.

At the initial stage of development of the courier business, there will be a need to attract customers. To do this, you should turn to various methods of advertising and promoting the company.

Staff selection

How to organize a courier service so that the business brings the desired income? You will need to invite a number of employees to work. The minimum staff of a delivery service should include a dispatcher, as well as an accountant and a driver. If you plan to transport heavy parcels, then you also need a loader.

To select employees, you can resort to one of two options. The first of them recruits people with low wages (from two hundred to three hundred dollars a month). In this case, you will be faced with constant staff turnover. However, the recruitment problem will be easily solved due to the large number of people willing to fill the vacant position.

But it is worth keeping in mind that the quality of services provided, and therefore the company’s reputation, will depend on the level of remuneration. In this case, you can resort to the second option. How to organize the work of a courier at the highest level? It is necessary to ensure that decent wages are strictly tied to certain rules and requirements.


How to organize a courier service in your city? You will need to select the legal form of the company (usually an LLC), and then register it with the Tax Inspectorate in your area. This will allow you to conclude long-term contracts with clients without any problems. You will need to seek the services of a lawyer. It will help in developing a contract template.

Selecting a room

At the next stage, you will need to rent a room. It is necessary to base the delivery service. Such a room could serve as a small office. For these purposes, some use a warehouse. It will house office rooms. There should be a parking lot nearby. There is no need for an expensive and bright sign. The delivery service should look for the client, and not wait for his arrival. You only need a few signs for the building in which the courier service is located.

Initial capital

This business will not require large investments. However, some funding for a start-up organization will still be necessary. You will need money for a car. A vehicle will be needed if you do not plan to hire employees with a personal car.